While many people see ongoing therapy as part of their daily-life self-care, you may be more interested in a short-term therapy approach –for any number of reasons– time, money, the type of goal you want to work on, etc. If you find yourself wanting to change something that’s bothering you, but are hesitant to commit, I may be be able to design a focused and time-limited series (6, 12, 20 sessions, etc), targeted to making significant and observable changes in a short period of time, and individually customized for your particular target issue and goal.
Featured “quickies”
• Six-session series for productivity and inspiration for young adults
Perfect for people going to college, in college, or recently (whatever that means) out of college.
You’re not looking to enter into ongoing therapy, but you could use a little push in the right direction at this point of your life. Everyone keeps asking you what you want to do with your life. Even if you know, how do you get there? Find the focus, self-confidence, motivation, and drive that you need in order to make sound decisions and achieve your #lifegoals, without having to invest a large amount of time or money in long-term therapy.
Contact me to ask about availability.
• Series for perfectionists to lower their standards and thank me for it
You know who you are!
You can’t get far on anything because everything needs to be perfectly set up before you can take the next step. You put off embarking on any project out of fear of failure. And you define small imperfections as failure. Your paralysis keeps you from accomplishing anything. You feel that nothing is good enough, let alone perfect. You are constantly judging yourself, and others. Being a perfectionist is not making your life better or easier, it is shooting your life in the foot. Shake yourself out of this harmful rut and make great strides toward finding satisfaction and acceptance, and appreciating and enjoying life –in all it’s messiness.
Contact me to ask about availability.